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Sherman, Max H, and J. J Bruce Dickinson."Fan Pressurization Techniques for the Estimation of Air Infiltration."Proceedings ASHRAE/DOE/BTECC Conference, Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings III, (1985).
Sherman, Max H."Multizone Modeling and Air Leakage Analysis."Proceedings, 6th Air Infiltration Centre Conference (1985).
Sherman, Max H."Simplified Model of Thermal Comfort."Energy and Buildings 8 (1985) 37-50.
Clear, Robert D, and Sam M Berman."Target Size, Visibility, and Roadway Performance."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 15 (1985) 167-180.


Cleary, Peter, and Max H Sherman."Seasonal Storage of Moisture in Roof Sheathing."Moisture and Humidity - 1985, April 15-18, 1985 (1984).