Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Q Zhan
Zhang, Y, C W Wang, H Huang, J Lu, R Liang, J F Liu, R Peng, Q Zhang, Q Zhang, J Wang, L Gu, X.-F Han, L.-Q Chen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, C.-W Nan, and J Zhang."Deterministic reversal of single magnetic vortex circulation by an electric field."Science Bulletin
(2020). DOI
Wang, C W, X Ke, J Wang, R Liang, Z Luo, Y Tian, D Yi, Q Zhang, J Wang, X.-F Han, G Van Tendeloo, L.-Q Chen, C.-W Nan, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and J Zhang."Ferroelastic switching in a layered-perovskite thin film."Nature Communications
7 (2016). DOI
Seidel, J, L.W Martin, Q He, Q Zhan, Y.-H Chu, A Rother, M.E Hawkridge, P Maksymovych, P Yu, M Gajek, N Balke, S.V Kalinin, S Gemming, F Wang, G Catalan, J.F Scott, N.A Spaldin, J Orenstein, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Conduction at domain walls in oxide multiferroics."Nature Materials
8 (2009) 229-234. DOI
Scullin, M.L, C Yu, M Huijben, S Mukerjee, J Seidel, Q Zhan, J Moore, A Majumdar, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Anomalously large measured thermoelectric power factor in Sr1-x Lax TiO3 thin films due to SrTiO3 substrate reduction."Applied Physics Letters
92 (2008). DOI
Chu, Y.-H, L.W Martin, M.B Holcomb, M Gajek, S.-J Han, Q He, N Balke, C.-H Yang, D Lee, W Hu, Q Zhan, P.-L Yang, A Fraile-Rodríguez, A Scholl, S.X Wang, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electric-field control of local ferromagnetism using a magnetoelectric multiferroic."Nature Materials
7 (2008) 478-482. DOI
Chu, Y.-H, L.W Martin, M.B Holcomb, M Gajek, S.-J Han, Q He, N Balke, C.-H Yang, D Lee, W Hu, Q Zhan, P.-L Yang, A Fraile-Rodríguez, A Scholl, S.X Wang, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electric-field control of local ferromagnetism using a magnetoelectric multiferroic (Nature Materials (2008) 7, (478-482))."Nature Materials
7 (2008) 678. DOI
Chu, Y.H, Q Zhan, C.-H Yang, M.P Cruz, L.W Martin, T Zhao, P Yu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, P.T Joseph, I.N Lin, W Tian, and D.G Schlom."Low voltage performance of epitaxial BiFeO3 films on Si substrates through lanthanum substitution."Applied Physics Letters
92 (2008). DOI
Yang, S.Y, Q Zhan, P.L Yang, M.P Cruz, Y.H Chu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Y.R Wu, J Singh, W Tian, and D.G Schlom."+Capacitance-voltage characteristics of BiFe O3 SrTi O3 GaN heteroepitaxial structures."Applied Physics Letters
91 (2007). DOI
Tian, W, V Vaithyanathan, D.G Schlom, Q Zhan, S.Y Yang, Y.H Chu, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Epitaxial integration of (0001) BiFe O3 with (0001) GaN."Applied Physics Letters
90 (2007). DOI
Chu, Y.H, L.W Martin, Q Zhan, P.L Yang, M.P Cruz, K Lee, M Barry, S.Y Yang, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Fridkin V, Ducharme S, Kleemann W, and Ishibashi Y."Epitaxial multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films: Progress and future directions."Ferroelectrics
354 (2007) 167-177. DOI
Chu, Y.H, T Zhao, M.P Cruz, Q Zhan, P.L Yang, L.W Martin, M Huijben, C.H Yang, F Zavaliche, H Zheng, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Ferroelectric size effects in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films."Applied Physics Letters
90 (2007). DOI
Martin, L.W, Q Zhan, Y Suzuki, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, M Chi, N Browning, T Mizoguchi, and J Kreisel."Growth and structure of PbVO3 thin films."Applied Physics Letters
90 (2007). DOI
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, F Zavaliche, Y.H Chu, L.W Martin, S.Y Yang, M.P Cruz, M Barry, K Lee, P Yang, and Q Zhan."Magnetoelectric complex-oxide heterostructures."Philosophical Magazine Letters
87 (2007) 155-164. DOI
Martin, L.W, Y.-H Chu, Q Zhan, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, S.-J Han, S.X Wang, M Warusawithana, and D.G Schlom."Room temperature exchange bias and spin valves based on BiFeO 3/SrRuO3SrTi/O3/Si (001) heterostructures."Applied Physics Letters
91 (2007). DOI
Zheng, H, Q Zhan, F Zavaliche, M Sherburne, F Straub, M.P Cruz, L.-Q Chen, U Dahmen, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Controlling self-assembled perovskite-spinel nanostructures."Nano Letters
6 (2006) 1401-1407. DOI
Chu, Y.-H, Q Zhan, L.W Martin, M.P Cruz, P.-L Yang, G.W Pabst, F Zavaliche, S.-Y Yang, J.-X Zhang, L.-Q Chen, D.G Schlom, I.-N Lin, T.-B Wu, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Nanoscale domain control in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films."Advanced Materials
18 (2006) 2307-2311. DOI
Zheng, H, F Straub, Q Zhan, P.-L Yang, W.-K Hsieh, F Zavaliche, Y.-H Chu, U Dahmen, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Self-assembled growth of BiFeO3-CoFe2O4 nanostructures."Advanced Materials
18 (2006) 2747-2752. DOI
Zhan, Q, R Yu, S.P Crane, H Zheng, C Kisielowski, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Structure and interface chemistry of perovskite-spinel nanocomposite thin films."Applied Physics Letters
89 (2006). DOI
Zavaliche, F, H Zheng, L Mohaddes-Ardabili, S.Y Yang, Q Zhan, P Shafer, E Reilly, R Chopdekar, Y Jia, P Wright, D.G Schlom, Y Suzuki, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electric field-induced magnetization switching in epitaxial columnar nanostructures."Nano Letters
5 (2005) 1793-1796. DOI
Yang, S.Y, F Zavaliche, L Mohaddes-Ardabili, V Vaithyanathan, D.G Schlom, Y.J Lee, Y.H Chu, M.P Cruz, Q Zhan, T Zhao, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of lead-free ferroelectric BiFeO 3 films for memory applications."Applied Physics Letters
87 (2005). DOI
Mohaddes-Ardabili, L, H Zheng, Q Zhan, S.Y Yang, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, L Salamanca-Riba, M Wuttig, S.B Ogale, and X Pan."Size and shape evolution of embedded single-crystal α -Fe nanowires."Applied Physics Letters
87 (2005) 1-3. DOI