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X Author: Michael Ruth
Worrell, Ernst, Christina Galitsky, Lynn K Price, Nathan C Martin, Michael Ruth, R. R Neal Elliott, Anna Shipley, and J Thorne."Energy Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for the Petroleum Refining Industry."
Worrell, Ernst, Nathan C Martin, Lynn K Price, Michael Ruth, R. R Neal Elliott, Anna Shipley, and Jennifer Thorn."Emerging Energy-Efficient Technologies for Industry."
Worrell, Ernst, John A Laitner, Michael Ruth, and Hodayah Finman."Productivity benefits of industrial energy efficiency measures."Energy
28.11 (2003) 1081-1098. DOI
Galitsky, Christina, Ernst Worrell, and Michael Ruth."Energy efficiency improvement and cost saving opportunities for the Corn Wet Milling Industry: An ENERGY STAR Guide for Energy and Plant Managers."Sustainability and Industry, Increasing Energy Efficiency
Worrell, Ernst, Nathan C Martin, Lynn K Price, Michael Ruth, R. R Neal Elliott, Anna Shipley, and Jennifer Thorn."Emerging Energy-Efficient Technologies for Industry."Energy Engineering
99.2 (2002) 36-55. DOI
Laitner, John A, Michael Ruth, and Ernst Worrell."Incorporating the productivity benefits into the assessment of cost effective energy savings potential using conservation supply curves."ACEEE's 2001 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry Proceedings, 7/24/2001
1 (2001).
Worrell, Ernst, Lynn K Price, and Michael Ruth."Policy modeling for energy efficiency Improvement in US industry."Annual Reviews of Energy and the Environment
26 (2001).