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X Author: Mehry Yazdanian
Haves, Philip, Baptiste Ravache, and Mehry Yazdanian."Accuracy of HVAC Load Predictions: Validation of EnergyPlus and DOE-2 using FLEXLAB Measurements."
(2020). DOI
Yazdanian, Mehry, D. D Charlie Curcija, Christian Kohler, Dragan Vidanovic, Robert Hart, and Stephen Czarnecki."Control algorithms for dynamic windows for residential buildings."Energy and Buildings
109 (2015). DOI
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Robin Mitchell, Maurya McClintock, Daniel McQuillen, Andrew McNeil, and Mehry Yazdanian."COMFEN 3.0: Evolution of an Early Design Tool for Commercial Façades and Fenestration Systems."Building Enclosure Sustainability Symposium (BESS), April 29-30, 2011
Lee, Eleanor S, Stephen E Selkowitz, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Joseph H Klems, Robert D Clear, Kyle S Konis, Robert J Hitchcock, Mehry Yazdanian, Robin Mitchell, and Maria Konstantoglou."High Performance Building Facade Solutions: PIER Final Project Report."
Hong, Tianzhen, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Mehry Yazdanian."Assessment of Energy Impact of Window Technologies for Commercial Buildings."
Lee, Eleanor S, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Joseph H Klems, Robert D Clear, Kyle S Konis, Mehry Yazdanian, and Byoung-Chul Park."Field Measurements of Innovative Indoor Shading Systems in a Full-Scale Office Testbed."ASHRAE Transactions
115.2 (2009) 706-728.
Hong, Tianzhen, Dale A Sartor, Paul A Mathew, and Mehry Yazdanian."Comparisons of HVAC Simulations between EnergyPlus and DOE-2.2 for data centers."ASHRAE Conference
115 Part 1 (2008).
Lee, Eleanor S, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Joseph H Klems, Mehry Yazdanian, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Monitored Energy Performance of Electrochromic Windows Controlled for Daylight and Visual Comfort."2006 ASHRAE Annual Meeting
112 Issue 2 (2006).
Lee, Eleanor S, Stephen E Selkowitz, Robert D Clear, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Joseph H Klems, Luis L Fernandes, Gregory J Ward, Vorapat Inkarojrit, and Mehry Yazdanian."Advancement of Electrochromic Windows."
Lee, Eleanor S, Stephen E Selkowitz, Robert D Clear, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Joseph H Klems, Luis L Fernandes, Gregory J Ward, Vorapat Inkarojrit, and Mehry Yazdanian."A Design Guide for Early-Market Electrochromic Windows."
Lee, Eleanor S, Mehry Yazdanian, and Stephen E Selkowitz."The Energy-Savings Potential of Electrochromic Windows in the US Commercial Buildings Sector."
Rubinstein, Francis M, Mehry Yazdanian, and Jim Galvin."Draft Photosensor Characterization Report."
Lee, Eleanor S, L Zhou, Mehry Yazdanian, Vorapat Inkarojrit, Jonathan L Slack, Michael D Rubin, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Energy Performance Analysis of Electrochromic Windows in New York Commercial Office Buildings."
Driscoll, Debbie A, Mehry Yazdanian, and Michael J Siminovitch."Structural Stability Analysis of a Quartz Fiber Optic Coupler Under Thermal Loading."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
29.1 (2000) 59-65. DOI
Griffith, Brent T, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Mehry Yazdanian, and Dariush K Arasteh."The Significance of Bolts in the Thermal Performance of Curtain-Wall Frames for Glazed Façades."ASHRAE Transactions
104, Part 1 (1997).
Frost, Karl J, Joseph H Eto, Dariush K Arasteh, and Mehry Yazdanian."The National Energy Requirements of Residential Windows in the U.S.: Today and Tomorrow."ACEEE 1996 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Profiting from Energy Efficiency
Klems, Joseph H, Mehry Yazdanian, and Guy O Kelley."Measured Performance of Selective Glazings."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI Conference
Yazdanian, Mehry, and Joseph H Klems."Measurement of the Exterior Convective Film Coefficient for Windows in Low-Rise Buildings."ASHRAE Transactions
100, Part 1 (1993).
Yazdanian, Mehry, J. J Randy Michelson, and Guy O Kelley."A Complex Multitasked Data Acquisition and Control System for Measuring Window Thermal Efficiency, or How TSX+ Saved Our Project When It Outgrew RT-11."U.S. DECUS Spring 1991 Symposium, May 6-10, 1991