Publications by Research Area
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X Author: Joscha Mueller
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Stephanie Bieler, Myles T Collins, Joscha Mueller, Christoph Gehbauer, Douglas J Gotham, and Peter H Larsen."A framework to measure the technical, economic, and rate impacts of distributed solar, electric vehicles, and storage."Applied Energy
297 (2021). DOI
Mueller, Joscha, Maxime Baudette, Daniel Arnold, and Michael D Sankur.""A Modelica Library for Continuous and Discrete Extremum Seeking for Static and Dynamic Systems"."Proceedings of the American Modelica Conference 2020
(2020). DOI
Gehbauer, Christoph, and Joscha Mueller.""Hierarchical Multi-Level Electric Power System Simulation with Smart Photovoltaic Systems using the Functional Mock-up Interface on the Lawrencium Computing Cluster"."Proceedings of the American Modelica Conference 2020
(2020). DOI
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Myles T Collins, Stephanie Bieler, Joscha Mueller, Christoph Gehbauer, and Peter H Larsen."Indiana 21st Century Energy Policy: Emerging Technologies on the Electricity Distribution System."
Gehbauer, Christoph, Joscha Mueller, Tucker Jennings Swenson, and Evangelos Vrettos."Photovoltaic and Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage: Advanced Smart Inverter Controls and Field Demonstration."
Swenson, Tucker Jennings, Evangelos Vrettos, Joscha Mueller, and Christoph Gehbauer."Open µPMU Event Dataset: Detection and Characterization at LBNL Campus."2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)
(2019). DOI