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X Author: G Subramanyam
Subramanyam, G, F.A Miranda, R.R Romanofksy, F.W Van Keuls, C.L Canedy, S Aggarwal, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Ferroelectric tunable microstrip Lange coupler for K-band applications."IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest
3 (2000) 1363-1366.
Subramanyam, G, F.A Miranda, F Van Keuls, R.R Romanofsky, C.L Canedy, S Aggarwal, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Performance of a K-Band Voltage-Controlled Lange Coupler Using a Ferroelectric Tunable Microstrip Configuration."IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters
10 (2000) 136-138. DOI
Subramanyam, G, F.W Van Keuls, F.A Miranda, C.L Canedy, S Aggarwal, T Venkatesan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Correlation of electric field and critical design parameters for ferroelectric tunable microwave filters."Integrated Ferroelectrics
24 (1999) 273-285. DOI