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X Author: David S Ginley
Garten, Lauren M, David T Moore, Sanjini U Nanayakkara, Shyam S Dwaraknath, Philip Schulz, Jake Wands, Angus Rockett, Brian Newell, Kristin A Persson, Susan Trolier-McKinstry, and David S Ginley."The existence and impact of persistent ferroelectric domains in MAPbI 3."Science Advances
5.1 (2019) eaas9311. DOI
Garten, Lauren M, Shyam S Dwaraknath, Julian Walker, John S Mangum, Paul F Ndione, Yoonsang Park, Daniel A Beaton, Venkatraman Gopalan, Brian P Gorman, Laura T Schelhas, Michael F Toney, SusanTrolier ‐McKinstry, Kristin A Persson, and David S Ginley."Theory‐Guided Synthesis of a Metastable Lead‐Free Piezoelectric Polymorph."Advanced Materials
30.25 (2018) 1800559. DOI