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X Author: Catherine P Koshland
Holder, Amara L, Brietta J Carter, Regine Goth-Goldstein, Donald Lucas, and Catherine P Koshland."Increased Cytotoxicity of Oxidized Flame Soot."Atmospheric Pollution Research
3.1 (2012) 25-31. DOI
Holder, Amara L, Donald Lucas, Regine Goth-Goldstein, and Catherine P Koshland."Cellular Response to Diesel Exhaust Particles Strongly Depends on the Exposure Method."Toxicological Sciences
103.1 (2008) 108-115. DOI
Holder, Amara L, Donald Lucas, Regine Goth-Goldstein, and Catherine P Koshland."Inflammatory response of lung cells exposed to whole, filtered, and hydrocarbon denuded diesel exhaust."Chemosphere
70 (2007) 13-19.
Choi, Jong Hyun, Donald Lucas, and Catherine P Koshland."Laser ablation of nanoscale particles with 193 nm light."Journal of Physics: Conference Series
59.1 (2007) 54-59. DOI
Brinke, Joann Ten, Steve Selvin, Alfred T Hodgson, William J Fisk, Mark J Mendell, Catherine P Koshland, and Joan M Daisey."Development of new VOC exposure metrics and their relationship to sick building syndrome symptoms."Indoor Air
8.3 (1998) 140-152. DOI
Brinke, Joann Ten, Steve Selvin, Alfred T Hodgson, William J Fisk, Mark J Mendell, Catherine P Koshland, and Joan M Daisey."Development of new volatile organic compound (VOC) exposure metrics and their relationship to "sick building syndrome" symptoms."Indoor Air
8.3 (1998) 140-152. DOI
Brinke, Joann Ten, Joan M Daisey, and Catherine P Koshland."Development of New VOC Exposure Metrics and their Relationship to "Sick Building Syndrome" Symptoms."Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health
(1995) 223.