Shankar Earni

Shankar Earni

Contact Information

Phone: 510-486-7126


Spot: Industrial Technology Validation Team -  August 18th 2021

For development and execution of the Industrial Technology Validation program for DOE's Advanced Manufacturing Office.



Paul Sheaffer profile page

Amy Pevzner profile page

Shankar Earni profile page

Prakash Rao profile page

Peter Therkelsen profile page

2018 R&D 100 Award: eProject Builder -  November 16th 2018

eProject Builder (ePB) is a secure, web-based data management portal for the energy service company (ESCO) industry. The system comprises two key components: an Excel-based project proposal template where users develop project financial performance scenarios and upload project-level data; and the online system, where projectlevel data is uploaded and tracked on an ongoing basis, and from which users can generate useful statistics for benchmarking, reporting, and responding to audits. ESCOs and their customers face several challenges managing data, including lack of standardization and transparency and inconsistent project performance tracking. eProject Builder provides a novel system to manage the way retrofit projects are proposed, tracked and benchmarked—through data standardization across markets and organizations, preservation of and ready access to project and portfolio-level performance data, and user-friendly reporting and tracking tools. eProject Builder was designed to transform the way the entire ESCO industry and its customers manage project data—to increase transparency and accountability; empower agencies to make more informed decisions using reliable, comparable data; and ultimately reduce barriers to tapping a $100+ billion ESCO industry market potential.
