Rachel Foushee

Rachel Foushee

Contact Information

Phone: 510-486-5171


Spot: CalFlexHub Annual Symposium Team -  April 17th 2024

Erin Harbin, Rachel Foushee and Rich Brown have provided exceptional support in the 2023 CalFlexHub Annual Symposium which was instrumental to the success of this critical and impactful event.

Spot: Rachel Foushee, Erin Harbin, Katie Kirbus -  October 19th 2022

For successfully coordinating funding, logistics and administrative procedures to allow tens of people to attend ACEEE summer study 2022.

Spot: Marie Butson, Rachel Foushee, Angela Green, Ellen Thomas -  May 27th 2022

Providing superb logistical support key to the success of the LBNL Resilient Cooling Workshop 2022.

Spot: Rachel Foushee -  May 10th 2022

For exemplary work preparing final reports on Circadian Lighting and Pricing for EPRI and SCE.

Spot: Angela Green, Rachel Foushee, Ellen Thomas -  November 26th 2019

Tremendous planning, organizing and execution efforts demonstrated as BTUS underwent a major renovation project.