Art Rosenfeld

Art Rosenfeld: Imagine a Future

Innovative Researcher

Art Rosenfeld, Berkeley Lab scientist, scholar-activist, and public servant, transformed the field of energy efficiency from a research afterthought into a mainstream movement. He is directly responsible for cultivating the growth and research agenda of the Energy Technologies Area at Berkeley Lab, and especially with the Buildings group.power plant emitting carbon pollution

Rosenfeld's research, done in conjunction with many BTUS researchers, have saved consumers billions of dollars, prevented billions of tons of carbon from polluting our world and demonstrated to governors and Presidents alike that economic growth did not require more power plants.

For Rosenfeld, conservation and energy efficiency were not trivial or second rate. They were rigorous, applied science, rooted in real life experience. And as he took aim at energy inefficiencies—from buildings and lighting to appliances and computers—he inspired countless scientists and scholars around the world to do the same.



Art Rosenfeld, Founder of the Field of Energy Efficiency

Art Rosenfeld in his Berkeley Lab office in 1989 (credit: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


Art Rosenfeld inspired the field of Energy Efficiency as a scientific discipline.

Every day, his legacy continues in the research being conducted at ETA and indeed throughout Berkeley Lab, using energy efficience as a foundation for innovative and lasting scientific discovery.

Read more about Art Rosenfeld and his legacy at


Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Rosenfeld Building Science Fellowship draws outstanding scientists and engineers who have the potential and the desire to contribute to the betterment of society through fundamental scientific and technological advances in the field of building technology research. We are committed to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accountability (IDEA) and strives to integrate these values in our work and our fellowship selection.  Research that demonstrates energy and environmental justice values will be of interest. The fellowship honors Dr. Art Rosenfeld by creating a lasting legacy of early career scientists and engineers who will follow in his footsteps.

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