Publications: Strategic Directions
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Selkowitz, Stephen E."Singapore's Zero-Energy Building's Daylight Monitoring System."International Conference on Applied Energy 2010: Energy Solutions for a Sustainable World
Arasteh, Dariush K, Howdy Goudey, Yu Joe Huang, Christian Kohler, and Robin Mitchell."Performance Criteria for Residential Zero Energy Windows."2007 ASHRAE Winter Meeting
Arasteh, Dariush K, Dragan C Curcija, Yu Joe Huang, Charlie Huizenga, and Christian Kohler."Evaluating Fenestration Products for Zero-Energy Buildings: Issues for Discussion."SimBuild 2006: Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation
Arasteh, Dariush K, Stephen E Selkowitz, Joshua S Apte, and Marc LaFrance."Zero Energy Windows."2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Apte, Joshua S, and Dariush K Arasteh."Window-Related Energy Consumption in the US Residential and Commercial Building Stock."
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Øyvind Aschehoug, and Eleanor S Lee."Advanced Interactive Façades — Critical Elements for Future Green Buildings?."GreenBuild, the annual USGBC International Conference and Expo
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Eleanor S Lee, and Øyvind Aschehoug."Perspectives on Advanced Façades with Dynamic Glazings and Integrated Lighting Controls."CISBAT 2003, Innovation in Building Envelopes and Environmental Systems, International Conferences on Solar Energy in Buildings
Apte, Joshua S, Dariush K Arasteh, and Yu Joe Huang."Future Advanced Windows for Zero-Energy Homes."ASHRAE Transactions
109, pt 2 (2002) 871-888.
Tribble, Alison, Kate Offringa, Bill Prindle, Dariush K Arasteh, Jay Zarnikau, Arlene Stewart, and Ken Nittler."Energy Efficient Windows in the Southern Residential Windows Market."2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Shehabi, Arman, Charles N Eley, Dariush K Arasteh, and Phil Degens."A Characterization of the Nonresidential Fenestration Market."
Arasteh, Dariush K, Robin Mitchell, Christian Kohler, Charlie Huizenga, and Dragan C Curcija."Improving Information Technology to Maximize Fenestration Energy Efficiency."Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII
Selkowitz, Stephen E."Integrating Advanced Façades into High Performance Buildings."Glass Processing Days: 7th International Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass
Arney, Michael, James Fairman, John Carmody, and Dariush K Arasteh."The Integrated Energy-Efficiency Window-Wall System."
Arasteh, Dariush K, Yu Joe Huang, Robin Mitchell, Robert D Clear, and Christian Kohler."A Database of Window Annual Energy Use in Typical North American Residences."2000 ASHRAE Winter Meeting
Selkowitz, Stephen E."High Performance Glazing Systems: Architectural Opportunities for the 21st Century."Glass Processing Days 99 Conference
Lee, Eleanor S, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Establishing the Value of Advanced Glazings."Glass in Buildings: An International Conference on the Use of Glass as an Architectural/Engineering Form and Material
Klems, Joseph H, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Thomas H Olsen, David W Banks, and Jani M Pallis."Toward a Virtual Building Laboratory."
Selkowitz, Stephen E, and Eleanor S Lee."Advanced Fenestration Systems for Improved Daylight Performance."Daylighting 98 Conference
Selkowitz, Stephen E."The Elusive Challenge of Daylighted Buildings 25 Years Later."Daylighting 98 Conference
Frost, Karl J, Joseph H Eto, Dariush K Arasteh, and Mehry Yazdanian."The National Energy Requirements of Residential Windows in the U.S.: Today and Tomorrow."ACEEE 1996 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Profiting from Energy Efficiency
Eto, Joseph H, Dariush K Arasteh, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Transforming the Market for Residential Windows: Design Considerations for DOE's Efficient Window Collaborative."1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Crooks, Brian, James Larsen, Robert Sullivan, Dariush K Arasteh, and Stephen E Selkowitz."NFRC Efforts to Develop a Residential Fenestration Annual Energy Rating Methodology."Window Innovations Conference 1995
Arasteh, Dariush K."Advances in Window Technology: 1973-1993."Advances in Solar Energy, An Annual Review of Research and Development
(1995) 339-382.
Lee, Eleanor S, Stephen E Selkowitz, Francis M Rubinstein, Joseph H Klems, Liliana O Beltran, and Dennis L DiBartolomeo."A Comprehensive Approach to Integrated Envelope and Lighting Systems for New Commercial Buildings."ACEEE 1994 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Arasteh, Dariush K, Brent T Griffith, and Paul LaBerge."Integrated Window Systems: An Advanced Energy-Efficient Residential Fenestration Product."19th National Passive Solar Conference