Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Wen Yuan
Zhao, Hui, Wen Yuan, and Gao Liu."Hierarchical electrode design of high-capacity alloy nanomaterials for lithium-ion batteries."Nano Today
10 (2015) 193-212. DOI
Zhao, Hui, Zhe Jia, Wen Yuan, Heyi Hu, Yanbao Fu, Gregory L Baker, and Gao Liu."Fumed Silica-Based Single-Ion Nanocomposite Electrolyte for Lithium Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
7.34 (2015) 19335 - 19341. DOI
Zhao, Hui, Fadi Asfour, Yanbao Fu, Zhe Jia, Wen Yuan, Ying Bai, Min Ling, Heyi Hu, Gregory L Baker, and Gao Liu."Plasticized Polymer Composite Single-Ion Conductors for Lithium Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
7.34 (2015) 19494 - 19499. DOI
Yuan, Wen, Mingyan Wu, Hui Zhao, Xiangyun Song, and Gao Liu."Baseline Si electrode fabrication and performance for the battery for Advanced Transportation Technologies Program."Journal of Power Sources
282 (2015) 223 - 227. DOI
Dai, Kehua, Zhihui Wang, Guo Ai, Hui Zhao, Wen Yuan, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S Battaglia, Chengdong Sun, Kai Wu, and Gao Liu."The transformation of graphite electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries after cycling."Journal of Power Sources
298 (2015) 349 - 354. DOI
Deng, Yonghong, Wen Yuan, Zhe Jia, and Gao Liu."H-and J-aggregation of Fluorene-based Chromophores."The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
118 (2014) 14536-14545. DOI
Yuca, Neslihan, Hui Zhao, Xiangyun Song, Murat F Dogdu, Wen Yuan, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S Battaglia, Xingcheng Xiao, and Gao Liu."A Systematic Investigation of Polymer Binder Flexibility on the Electrode Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
6 (2014) 17111-17118. DOI
Wang, Zhihui, Yanbao Fu, Zhengcheng Zhang, Shengwen Yuan, Khalil Amine, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Application of Stabilized Lithium Metal Powder (SLMP®) in graphite anode – A high efficient prelithiation method for lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
260 (2014) 57 - 61. DOI