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X Author: Robert J Yinger
Karali, Nihan, Brendan Shaffer, Kevin Clampitt, Robert J Yinger, Chris Marnay, and Limingming Zhu."Benefit Analyses of Irvine Smart Grid Projects."CIGRE US National Committee 2016 Grid of the Future Symposium
Karali, Nihan, Dong Zhang, GuoQi Ren, Brendan Shaffer, Kevin Clampitt, JianCheng Yu, Robert J Yinger, and Chris Marnay."Benefits Analysis of Smart Grid Demonstration Projects."2016 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2016)
Marnay, Chris, Liping Liu, JianCheng Yu, Dong Zhang, Josh Mauzy, Brendan Shaffer, XuZhu Dong, Will Agate, Silvia Vitiello, GuoQi Ren, Cheng Yao, Xial Hong, XuDong Wang, Jia Song, TianHao Wang, Lei Wu, Jing Zhao, Nihan Karali, Gang He, Kevin Clampitt, Robert J Yinger, Han Zhu, Li Zhao, Scott Samuelsen, David Smith, Jayant Kumar, Fengshun Jiao, Dazhong Zou, Jinsong Zhang, Ming Xiao, Sheng Tang, Zhikeng Li, Xiaozhen Li, Tyler Shiqiao Yan, Limingming Zhu, and Xu Liu."White Paper on Benefit Analysis of Smart Grid Projects."
Karali, Nihan, Chris Marnay, Tyler Shiqiao Yan, Gang He, Robert J Yinger, Josh Mauzey, Kevin Clampitt, and Han Zhu."Towards uniform benefit-cost analysis for smart grid projects: an example using the Smart Grid Computational Tool."
(2015) 29 pages.
Bravo, Richard J, Robert J Yinger, and Patricia Arons."Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery (FIDVR) indicators."2014 IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition (T&D)2014 IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition
(2014) 1 - 5. DOI
Bravo, Richard J, Robert J Yinger, Steven Robles, and Joseph H Eto."FIDVR Events Analysis, Part I."Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting
(2013). DOI
Bravo, Richard J, Robert J Yinger, Steven Robles, and Joseph H Eto."FIDVR in Distribution Circuits."Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
(2013). DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Janine Nelson-Hoffman, Carlos Torres, Scott Hirth, Robert J Yinger, John D Kueck, Brendan J Kirby, Clark Bernier, Roger Wright, Arup Barat, and David S Watson."Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration."
(2007) 71.
Yinger, Robert J."Behavior of Two Capstone 30kW Microturbines Operating in Parallel with Impedance Between Them."Consultant Report Prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2004) 36.
Lasseter, Robert H, Abbas A Akhil, Chris Marnay, John Stephens, Jeffery E Dagle, Ross T Guttromson, A. A Sakis Meliopoulous, Robert J Yinger, and Joseph H Eto."Integration of Distributed Energy Resources: The CERTS MicroGrid Concept."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2003) 32.
Yinger, Robert J."Behavior of Capstone and Honeywell Microturbine Generators During Load Changes."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2001) 38.