Publications by Research Area
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X Author: Robert Hart
Hart, Robert, Stephen Fisher, and Stephen Morse."Guidelines for Determining the Load Resistance of Thin-Glass Triple-Pane Insulating Glass Unit Configurations."
(2023). DOI
Lee, Eleanor S, Anothai Thanachareonkit, D. D Charlie Curcija, Gregory J Ward, Taoning Wang, David Geisler-Moroder, Christoph Gehbauer, John Breshears, Luis L Fernandes, Stephen E Selkowitz, Robert Hart, Christian Kohler, David Blum, Jinqing Peng, and Howdy Goudey."High-Performance Integrated Window and Façade Solutions for California."
Hart, Robert, Stephen E Selkowitz, and D. D Charlie Curcija."Thermal performance and potential annual energy impact of retrofit thin-glass triple-pane glazing in US residential buildings."Building Simulation
12.1 (2019) 79 - 86. DOI
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Robert Hart, and D. D Charlie Curcija."Breaking the 20 Year Logjam to Better Insulating Windows."2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Hart, Robert."Numerical and experimental validation for the thermal transmittance of windows with cellular shades."Energy and Buildings
166 (2018) 358 - 371. DOI
Hart, Robert, Howdy Goudey, and D. D Charlie Curcija."Experimental validation for thermal transmittances of window shading systems with perimeter gaps."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
(2018) 1 - 13. DOI
Hart, Robert, Howdy Goudey, and D. D Charlie Curcija."Experimental validation and model development for thermal transmittances of porous window screens and horizontal louvred blind systems."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
11.2 (2017) 190 - 204. DOI
Yazdanian, Mehry, D. D Charlie Curcija, Christian Kohler, Dragan Vidanovic, Robert Hart, and Stephen Czarnecki."Control algorithms for dynamic windows for residential buildings."Energy and Buildings
109 (2015). DOI
Van Den Bergh, Sofie, Robert Hart, Bjørn Petter Jelle, and Arlid Gustavsen."Window Spacers and Edge Seals in Insulating Glass Units: A State-of-the-Art Review and Future Perspectives."Energy and Buildings
58 (2013) 263–280. DOI
Hart, Robert, Howdy Goudey, Dariush K Arasteh, and Dragan C Curcija."Thermal Performance Impacts of Center-of-Glass Deflections in Installed Insulating Glazing Units."Energy and Buildings
54.November 2012 (2012) 453-460. DOI
Arasteh, Dariush K, Robert Hart, Cezary Misiopecki, Arlid Gustavsen, and Bjørn Petter Jelle."Impacts of Operating Hardware on Window Thermal Performance."BEST3 Conference
Jelle, Bjørn Petter, Andrew Hynd, Arlid Gustavsen, Dariush K Arasteh, Howdy Goudey, and Robert Hart."Fenestration of Today and Tomorrow: A State-of-the-Art Review and Future Research Opportunities."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
96 (2012) 1-28. DOI