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X Author: Ralph Keeling
Graven, Heather, Marc L Fischer, T Lueker, Seongeun Jeong, Tom Guilderson, Ralph Keeling, Ray P Bambha, Kieran Brophy, W Callahan, Xinguang Cui, C Frankenberg, Kevin R Gurney, Brian W LaFranchi, Scott J Lehman, Hope A Michelsen, John B Miller, Sally Newman, W Paplawsky, Nicholas Parazoo, Christopher D Sloop, and S.J Walker."Assessing fossil fuel CO 2 emissions in California using atmospheric observations and models."Environmental Research Letters
13.6 (2018) 065007. DOI
Fischer, Marc L, Nicholas Parazoo, Kieran Brophy, Xinguang Cui, Seongeun Jeong, Junjie Liu, Ralph Keeling, Thomas E Taylor, Kevin R Gurney, Tomohiro Oda, and Heather Graven."Simulating Estimation of California Fossil Fuel and Biosphere Carbon Dioxide Exchanges Combining In-situ Tower and Satellite Column Observations."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
122.6 (2017) 3653-3671. DOI
Jeong, Seongeun, Sally Newman, Jingsong Zhang, Arlyn E Andrews, Laura Bianco, Justin Bagley, Xinguang Cui, Heather Graven, Jooil Kim, Peter Salameh, Brian W LaFranchi, Chad Priest, Mixtli Campos-Pineda, Elena Novakovskaia, Christopher D Sloop, Hope A Michelsen, Ray P Bambha, Ray F Weiss, Ralph Keeling, and Marc L Fischer."Estimating methane emissions in California's urban and rural regions using multitower observations."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
121 (2016). DOI
Newman, Sally, Xiaomei Xu, Kevin R Gurney, Ying-Kuang Hsu, King Fai Li, Xun Jiang, Ralph Keeling, Sha Feng, Darragh O'Keefe, Risa Patarasuk, Kam Weng Wong, Preeti Rao, Marc L Fischer, and Yuk L Yung."Toward consistency between trends in bottom-up CO2 emissions and top-down atmospheric measurements in the Los Angeles megacity."Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics
(2015). DOI