Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Priya Sreedharan
Phadke, Amol A, Nikit Abhyankar, Jessica Kersey, Taylor McNair, Umed Paliwal, David Wooley, Olivia Ashmoore, Robbie Orvis, Michael O’Boyle, Ric O’Connell, Utkarsha Agwan, Priyanka Mohanty, Priya Sreedharan, and Deepak Rajagopal."2035 The Report: Plummeting Costs and Dramatic Improvements In Batteries Can Accelerate Our Clean Transportation Future."
Palchak, David, Jaquelin Cochran, Ranjit Deshmukh, Ali Ehlen, Sushil Kumar Soonee, S.R Narasimhan, Mohit Joshi, Brendan McBennett, Michael Milligan, Priya Sreedharan, Ilya Chernyakhovskiy, and Nikit Abhyankar."GREENING THE GRID: Pathways to Integrate 175 Gigawatts of Renewable Energy into India’s Electric Grid, Vol. I—National Study."Greening the Grid
1 (2017).
Palchak, David, Jaquelin Cochran, Ranjit Deshmukh, Ali Ehlen, Sushil Kumar Soonee, S.R Narasimhan, Mohit Joshi, Brendan McBennett, Michael Milligan, Priya Sreedharan, Ilya Chernyakhovskiy, and Nikit Abhyankar."GREENING THE GRID: Pathways to Integrate 175 Gigawatts of Renewable Energy into India’s Electric Grid, Vol. I—National Study EXECUTIVE SUMMARY."Greening the Grid
1 (2017).
Sreedharan, Priya, Michael D Sohn, William W Nazaroff, and Ashok J Gadgil."Towards improved characterization of high-risk releases using heterogeneous indoor sensor systems."Building and Environment
16.2 (2011) 438-447. DOI
Sohn, Michael D, Ashok J Gadgil, Priya Sreedharan, and William W Nazaroff."Sensor Networks for Detecting Toxic Releases in Buildings."11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, May 24-27, 2009
Sreedharan, Priya, William W Nazaroff, and Ashok J Gadgil."Bayesian based design of real-time sensor systems for high-risk indoor contaminants."Mechanical Engineering
(2008) 350.
Gadgil, Ashok J, Michael D Sohn, Priya Sreedharan, Carlos Borrego, and Anna Isabel Miranda."Rapid Data Assimilation in the Indoor Environment: theory and examples from real-time interpretation of indoor plumes of airborne chemicals."Air Pollution Modeling and its Applicatiion XIX
(2008) 263-277.
Sreedharan, Priya, Michael D Sohn, William W Nazaroff, and Ashok J Gadgil."Influence of indoor transport and mixing times scales on the performance of sensor systems for characterizing contaminant releases."Atmospheric Environment
41 (2007) 9530-9542.
Sreedharan, Priya, Michael D Sohn, Ashok J Gadgil, and William W Nazaroff."Systems Approach to Evaluating Sensor Characteristics for Real-Time Monitoring of High-Risk Indoor Contaminant Releases."Atmospheric Environment
40.19 (2006) 3490-3502. DOI
Sreedharan, Priya, and Philip Haves."Comparison of Chiller Models for use in Model-Based Fault Detection."International Conference for Enhancing Building Operations
Sreedharan, Priya."Evaluation of Chiller Modeling Approaches and Their Usability for Fault Detection."Mechanical Engineering