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X Author: Peng Xu
Prakash, Abhinav, Peng Xu, Alireza Faghaninia, Sudhanshu Shukla, Joel W Ager, Cynthia S Lo, and Bharat Jalan."Wide bandgap BaSnO3 films with room temperature conductivity exceeding 104 S cm−1."Nature Communications
8.1 (2017). DOI
Xue, Peng, Tianzhen Hong, Bing Dong, and Cheuk Ming Mak."A Preliminary Investigation of Water Usage Behavior in Single-Family Homes."
Yin, Rongxin, Peng Xu, Mary Ann Piette, and Sila Kiliccote."Study on Auto-DR and Pre-cooling of Commercial Buildings with Thermal Mass in California."Energy and Buildings
42.7 (2010) 967-975.
Xu, Peng, Rongxin Yin, Carrie Brown, and DongEun Kim."Demand Shifting with Thermal Mass in Large Commercial Buildings in a California Hot Climate Zone."
Xu, Peng, and Leah Zagreus."Demand Shifting with Thermal Mass in Light and Heavy Mass Commercial Buildings."2009 ASHRAE Annual Conference
Yin, Rongxin, Peng Xu, and Sila Kiliccote."Auto-DR and Pre-cooling of Buildings at Tri-City Corporate Center."
Beard, Daniel P, Grant Scherling, Perry Plumart, Barbara A Atkinson, Peter J Biermayer, Richard E Brown, Richard C Diamond, Camilla Dunham, Ryan M Firestone, Steve E Greenberg, Don Medley, Anthony Ma, Alan K Meier, Evan Mills, Bruce Nordman, Christopher T Payne, Mary Ann Piette, Francis M Rubinstein, Stephen E Selkowitz, Craig P Wray, Peng Xu, Mike Azarcon, Jim Calendar, Tom Costello, Eric Goodman, Greg Green, Charles Iliff, Brian Klein, Mike Laser, William Miller, Dan Murphy, Theon Parker, Dave Pilkins, Chris Potter, Louis Scalfari, Toby Virts, John Williams, Rick Wilmoth, and Beverly Wood."Green the Capitol Initiative, Final Report."
Motegi, Naoya, Mary Ann Piette, David S Watson, Sila Kiliccote, and Peng Xu."Introduction to Commercial Building Control Strategies and Techniques for Demand Response."
Haves, Philip, Moosung Kim, Massieh Najafi, and Peng Xu."A Semi-automated Commissioning Tool for VAV Air Handling Units: Functional Test Analyzer."ASHRAE Transactions
113.Pt. 1 (2007) 380-391.
Haves, Philip, and Peng Xu."The Building Controls Virtual Test Bed – a Simulation Environment for Developing and Testing Control Algorithms, Strategies and Systems."Building Simulation ’07
Xu, Peng, Yu Joe Huang, Ruidong Jin, and Guoxiong Yang."Measured energy performance of a US-China demonstration energy-efficient commercial building."2007 ASHRAE Winter Meeting, January 27-31, 2007
Xu, Peng."Evaluation of Demand Shifting Strategies With Thermal Mass in Large Commercial Buildings."SimBuild 2006
Piette, Mary Ann, David S Watson, Naoya Motegi, Sila Kiliccote, and Peng Xu."Automated Critical Peak Pricing Field Tests: Program Description and Results."
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, Mary Ann Piette, and Leah Zagreus."Demand Shifting With Thermal Mass in Large Commercial Buildings: Field Tests, Simulations and Audits."
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Dimitri Curtil."A Library of HVAC Component Models for use in Automated Diagnostics."SimBuild 2006
Xu, Peng, and Philip Haves."Case Study of Demand Shifting with Thermal Mass in Two Large Commercial Buildings."ASHRAE Transactions
112.Pt. 1 (2006).
Xu, Peng, and Leah Zagreus."Demand Shifting With Thermal Mass in Light and Heavy Mass Commercial Buildings."
Xu, Peng."Evaluation of Demand Shifting Strategies with Thermal Mass in Two Large Commercial Buildings."SimBuild 2006
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Joseph J Deringer."A Simulation-Based Testing and Training Environment for Building Controls."SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Moosung Kim."A Semi-Automated Functional Test Data Analysis Tool."13th National Conference on Building Commissioning
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, and Moosung Kim."Model-Based Automated Functional Testing-Methodology and Application to Air Handling Units."ASHRAE Transactions
111.Pt. 1 (2005).