Publications by Research Area
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X Author: Michael Spears
Baik, Sunhee, Galen L Barbose, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Cesca Miller, Will Gorman, and Michael Spears."Backup Power Performance of Solar-plus-Storage Systems during Routine Power Interruptions: A Case Study Application of Berkeley Lab’s PRESTO Model."
Rand, Joseph, Louisa Kramer, Christopher Garrity, Ben Hoen, James Diffendorfer, Hannah Hunt, and Michael Spears."A continuously updated, geospatially rectified database of utility-scale wind turbines in the United States."Scientific Data
7.15 (2020). DOI
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, David Blum, Janie Page, Michael Spears, and Mary Ann Piette."Integrating diagnostics and model-based optimization."Energy and Buildings
182 (2019) 187 - 195. DOI
Blum, David, Guanjing Lin, Michael Spears, Janie Page, and Jessica Granderson."When Data Analytics Meet Site Operation: Benefits and Challenges."2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Nordman, Bruce, Aditya Khandekar, Michael Spears, and Mattia Pezzola."A Simulation of Local Power Distribution Control Strategies."2017 IEEE Second International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM)
(2017). DOI
Mullen, N A, J Li, Marion L Russell, Michael Spears, Brennan Less, and Brett C Singer."Results of the California Healthy Homes Indoor Air Quality Study of 2011–2013: impact of natural gas appliances on air pollutant concentrations."Indoor Air
26 (2016). DOI
Mendell, Mark J, Ekaterina Eliseeva, Michael Spears, Wanyu R Chan, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."A longitudinal study of ventilation rates in California office buildings and self-reported occupant outcomes including respiratory illness absence."
92 (2015). DOI
Barbose, Galen L, Naïm R Darghouth, Dev Millstein, Michael Spears, Ryan H Wiser, Michael Buckley, Rebecca Widiss, and Nick Grue."Tracking the Sun VIII: The Installed Price of Residential and Non-Residential Photovoltaic Systems in the United States."
Mullen, Nasim A, Jina Li, Marion L Russell, Michael Spears, Brennan Less, and Brett C Singer."Results of the California Healthy Homes Indoor Air Quality Study of 2011-2013: Impact of Natural Gas Appliances on Air Pollutant Concentrations."Indoor Air
(2015). DOI
Mendell, Mark J, Ekaterina Eliseeva, Michael Spears, Wanyu R Chan, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."A Prospective Study of Ventilation Rates and Illness Absence in California Office Buildings."
Mendell, Mark J, Ekaterina Eliseeva, Morris G Davies, Michael Spears, Agnes B Lobscheid, William J Fisk, and Michael G Apte."Association of Classroom Ventilation with Reduced Illness Absence: A Prospective Study in California Elementary Schools."Indoor Air
23.6 (2013) 515-528. DOI
Fisk, William J, Federico Noris, Brett C Singer, William W Delp, Marion L Russell, Michael Spears, Gary Adamkiewicz, and Kimberly Vermeer."Integrating Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality Retrofits in Apartments."
Noris, Federico, Gary Adamkiewicz, William W Delp, Toshifumi Hotchi, Marion L Russell, Brett C Singer, Michael Spears, Kimberly Vermeer, and William J Fisk."Indoor environmental quality benefits of apartment energy retrofits."Building Environment
68 (2013) 170–178. DOI
Apte, Michael G, Mark J Mendell, Michael D Sohn, Spencer M Dutton, Pam M Berkeley, and Michael Spears."Final Report: Balancing energy conservation and occupant needs in ventilation rate standards for “Big Box” stores in California: predicted indoor air quality and energy consumption using a matrix of ventilation scenarios."
Destaillats, Hugo, Wenhao Chen, Michael G Apte, Nuan Li, Michael Spears, Jérémie Almosni, Gregory Brunner, Jianshun Zhang, and William J Fisk."Secondary pollutants from ozone reactions with ventilation filters and degradation of filter media additives."Atmospheric Environment
45.21 (2011) 3561-3568.
Parthasarathy, Srinandini, Michael Spears, Randy L Maddalena, Marion L Russell, and Michael G Apte."A Formaldehyde Exposure Assessment Tool for Occupants of FEMA Temporary Housing Units."
Destaillats, Hugo, Wenhao Chen, Michael G Apte, Nuan Li, Michael Spears, Jérémie Almosni, Jianshun Zheng, and William J Fisk."Laboratory Measurement of Secondary Pollutant Yields from Ozone Reaction with HVAC Filters."Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2009 Conference
Mendell, Mark J, Ekaterina Eliseeva, Michael Spears, and William J Fisk."Development and Field-Testing of a Study Protocol, including a Web-Based Occupant Survey Tool, for Use in Intervention Studies of Indoor Environmental Quality."
Apte, Michael G, Deborah H Bennett, David Faulkner, Randy L Maddalena, Marion L Russell, Michael Spears, Douglas P Sullivan, and Amber L Trout."Indoor Air Quality Assessment of the San Francisco Federal Building."
Singer, Brett C, Michael G Apte, Douglas R Black, Toshifumi Hotchi, Donald Lucas, Melissa M Lunden, Anna G Mirer, Michael Spears, and Douglas P Sullivan."Natural Gas Variability in California: Environmental Impacts and Device Performance - Experimental Evaluation of Pollutant Emissions from Residential Appliances."
Fisk, William J, Michael Spears, Douglas P Sullivan, and Mark J Mendell."Ozone Removal by Filters Containing Activated Carbon: a Pilot Study."Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2009 Conference
Apte, Michael G, Norman Bourassa, David Faulkner, Alfred T Hodgson, Toshifumi Hotchi, Michael Spears, Douglas P Sullivan, and Duo Wang."Improving Ventilation and Saving Energy: Final Report on Indoor Environmental Quality and Energy Monitoring in Sixteen Relocatable Classrooms."
Apte, Michael G, Michael Spears, Chi-Ming Lai, and Derek G Shendell."Improving Indoor Environmental Quality and Energy Performance of Modular Classroom HVAC Systems."Proceedings of Sustainable Buildings 2005 Conference
(2005) 1432-1437.
Apte, Michael G, David Faulkner, William J Fisk, Alfred T Hodgson, Toshifumi Hotchi, Chi-Ming Lai, Michael Spears, Douglas P Sullivan, and Duo Wang."Improving Relocatable Classroom HVAC For Improved IEQ And Energy Efficiency."Indoor Air 2005 Conference - The 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
1 (2005) 1121-1125.