Publications by Research Area
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X Author: Larry L Dale
Bui, Tung, Wanshi Hong, Bin Wang, Mengqi Yao, Duncan S Callaway, Larry L Dale, and Can Huang."Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: Data-Driven Power System Optimal Decision Making Strategy under Wildfire Events."Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(2022). DOI
Rao, Prakash, Robert Kostecki, Larry L Dale, and Ashok J Gadgil."Technology and Engineering of the Water-Energy Nexus."Annual Review of Environment and Resources
42.1 (2017) 407 - 437. DOI
Dale, Larry L, Nihan Karali, Dev Millstein, Michael Carnall, Sebastian Vicuña, Nicolas Borchers, Eduardo Bustos, Joe O’Hagan, David Purkey, Charles Heaps, Jack Sieber, William D Collins, and Michael D Sohn."An integrated assessment of water-energy and climate change in Sacramento, California: How strong is the nexus?."Climatic Change
132.2 (2015) 223-235. DOI
Carnall, Michael, Larry L Dale, and Alexander B Lekov."The economic effect of efficiency programs on energy consumers and producers."
(2015). DOI
Morrow III, William R, Anand R Gopal, Gary A Fitts, Sarah M Lewis, Larry L Dale, and Eric R Masanet."Feedstock loss from drought is a major economic risk for biofuel producers."Biomass and Bioenergy
69 (2014) 135 - 143. DOI
Sathaye, Jayant A, Larry L Dale, Peter H Larsen, Gary A Fitts, Kevin Koy, Sarah M Lewis, and André Frossard Pereira de Lucena."Estimating impacts of warming temperatures on California's electricity system."Global Environmental Change
23.2 (2013) 499-511. DOI
Spurlock, C Anna, Hung-Chia Yang, and Larry L Dale."Energy Efficiency and Minimum Standards: a Market Analysis of Recent Changes in Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards in the United States."
Chen, Xiaomei, Michael J Roberts, Hung-Chia Yang, and Larry L Dale."Can Standards Increase Consumer Welfare? Evidence from a Change in Clothes Washer Energy Efficiency Requirements."
Fujita, K Sydny, Gary A Fitts, and Larry L Dale."Peak Electricity Impacts of Residential Water Use."
Taylor, Margaret, K Sydny Fujita, Larry L Dale, and James E McMahon."An Exploration of Innovation and Energy Efficiency in an Appliance Industry."European Council for an Energy Efficiency Economy
Morrow III, William R, Anand R Gopal, Gary A Fitts, Sarah M Lewis, Larry L Dale, Eric R Masanet, and Thomas E McKone."Drought-tolerant Biofuel Crops could be a Critical Hedge for Biorefineries."
Maddalena, Randy L, Melissa M Lunden, Daniel L Wilson, Cristina Ceballos, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Jonathan L Slack, and Larry L Dale."Quantifying Stove Emissions Related to Different Use Patterns for the Silver‐mini (Small Turkish) Space Heating Stove."
Carnall, Michael, Larry L Dale, and Alexander B Lekov."Effect of Energy Efficiency Standards on Natural Gas Prices."
(2011) 37.
Sathaye, Jayant A, Larry L Dale, Peter H Larsen, Gary A Fitts, Kevin Koy, Sarah M Lewis, and André Frossard Pereira de Lucena."Estimating Risk to California Energy Infrastructure From Projected Climate Change."
Dale, Larry L, Camille Antinori, Michael A McNeil, James E McMahon, and K Sydny Fujita."Retrospective Evaluation of Appliance Price Trends."Energy Policy
37.2 (2009) 597-605. DOI
Dale, Larry L, K Sydny Fujita, Felipe Vásquez Lavín, Mithra M Moezzi, Michael Hanemann, Santiago Guerrero, and Loren Lutzenhiser."Price Impact on the Demand for Water and Energy in California Residences."
(2009) 44.
Dale, Larry L, K Sydny Fujita, Joseph O'Hagan, and Michael Hanemann."The Interaction of Water and Energy in California: Climate Change and Price Impacts."
(2008) 37.
Dale, Larry L, and K Sydny Fujita."An Analysis of the Price Elasticity of Demand for Household Appliances."
(2008) 19.
Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle, Larry L Dale, and Alexander B Lekov."Comparing price forecast accuracy of natural gas models and futures markets."Energy policy
34 (2006) 4115–4122.
Sathaye, Jayant A, Willy Makundi, Larry L Dale, Peter T Chan, and Kenneth Andrasko."GHG Mitigation Potential, Costs and Benefits in Global Forests: A Dynamic Partial Equilibrium Approach."
Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle, Larry L Dale, and Alexander B Lekov."Comparing Price Forecast Accuracy of Natural Gas Models and Futures Markets."
Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle, Alexander B Lekov, and Larry L Dale."Natural Gas Prices Forecast Comparison — AEO vs. Natural Gas Markets."
(2005) 16.
Sathaye, Jayant A, Willy Makundi, Larry L Dale, Peter T Chan, and Kenneth Andrasko."Generalized Comprehensive Mitigation Assessment Process (GCOMAP):."