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X Author: Junfa Zhu
Ai, Guo, Yiling Dai, Yifan Ye, Wenfeng Mao, Zhihui Wang, Hui Zhao, Yulin Chen, Junfa Zhu, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S Battaglia, Jinghua Guo, Venkat Srinivasan, and Gao Liu."Investigation of surface effects through the application of the functional binders in lithium sulfur batteries."Nano Energy
16 (2015) 28-37. DOI
Cheng, Lei, Cheng Hao Wu, Angelique Jarry, Wei Chen, Yifan Ye, Junfa Zhu, Robert Kostecki, Kristin A Persson, Jinghua Guo, Miquel Salmeron, Guoying Chen, and Marca M Doeff."Interrelationships among Grain Size, Surface Composition, Air Stability, and Interfacial Resistance of Al-Substituted LiLa...."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
7.32 (2015) 17649 - 17655. DOI
Feng, Xuefei, Min-Kyu Song, Wayne C Stolte, David Gardenghi, Duo Zhang, Xuhui Sun, Junfa Zhu, Elton J Cairns, and Jinghua Guo."Understanding the degradation mechanism of rechargeable lithium/sulfur cells: a comprehensive study of the sulfur–graphene oxide cathode after discharge–charge cycling."Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
16.13 (2014) 16931-16940. DOI
Lin, Zhan, Caiyun Nan, Yifan Ye, Jinghua Guo, Junfa Zhu, and Elton J Cairns."High Performance Lithium/Sulfur Cells with a Bi-functionally Immobilized Sulfur Cathode."Nano Energy
9 (2013) 408-416. DOI
Zhang, Liang, Elad Pollak, Wei-Cheng Wang, Peng Jiang, Per-Anders Glans, Yuegang Zhang, Jordi Cabana, Robert Kostecki, Chinglin Chang, Miquel Salmeron, Junfa Zhu, and Jinghua Guo."Electronic structure study of ordering and interfacial interaction in graphene/Cu composites."Carbon
50.14 (2012) 5316-5322. DOI