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X Author: John Dagdelen
Tshitoyan, Vahe, John Dagdelen, Leigh Weston, Alexander Dunn, Ziqin Rong, Olga Kononova, Kristin A Persson, Gerbrand Ceder, and Anubhav Jain."Unsupervised word embeddings capture latent knowledge from materials science literature."Nature
571.7763 (2019) 95 - 98. DOI
Mathew, Kiran, Joseph H Montoya, Alireza Faghaninia, Shyam S Dwaraknath, Muratahan Aykol, Hanmei Tang, Iek-heng Chu, Tess Smidt, Brandon Bocklund, Matthew Horton, John Dagdelen, Brandon Wood, Zi-Kui Liu, Jeffrey B Neaton, Shyue Ping Ong, Kristin A Persson, and Anubhav Jain."Atomate: A high-level interface to generate, execute, and analyze computational materials science workflows."Computational Materials Science
139 (2017) 140 - 152. DOI
Dagdelen, John, Joseph Montoya, Maarten de Jong, and Kristin A Persson."Computational prediction of new auxetic materials."Nature Communications
8.1 (2017). DOI