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X Author: John D Kueck
Kueck, John D, Dmitry Kosterev, John Undrill, and Joseph H Eto."Voltage sag and recovery influence for modeling motor loads."2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition
(2014) 1 - 5. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Janine Nelson-Hoffman, Eric Parker, Clark Bernier, Paul Young, Dave Sheehan, John D Kueck, and Brendan J Kirby."The Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration--Measuring the Speed and Magnitude of Aggregated Demand Response."2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(2012) 2012 - 2019. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Janine Nelson-Hoffman, Eric Parker, Clark Bernier, Paul Young, Dave Sheehan, John D Kueck, and Brendan J Kirby."Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration - Phase 2 Findings from the Summer of 2008."
(2009) 151.
Eto, Joseph H, Janine Nelson-Hoffman, Carlos Torres, Scott Hirth, Robert J Yinger, John D Kueck, Brendan J Kirby, Clark Bernier, Roger Wright, Arup Barat, and David S Watson."Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration."
(2007) 71.
Kirby, Brendan J, and John D Kueck."Demand Response Research Plan to Reflect the Needs of the California Independent System Operator."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2004) 78.
Kirby, Brendan J, and John D Kueck."Spinning Reserve from Pump Load: A Technical Findings Report to the California Department of Water Resources."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2003) 58.
Kueck, John D, Robert H Staunton, Solomon D Labinov, and Brendan J Kirby."Microgrid Energy Management System."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
Eto, Joseph H, Charles A Goldman, Grayson C Heffner, Brendan J Kirby, John D Kueck, Michael Kintner-Meyer, Jeffery E Dagle, Timothy D Mount, William Schulze, Robert J Thomas, and Ray Zimmerman."Innovative Developments in Load as a Reliability Resource."IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting
(2002) 3. DOI
Staunton, Robert H, John D Kueck, Brendan J Kirby, and Joseph H Eto."Demand Response: An Overview of Enabling Technologies."Public Utilities Fortnightly
Kueck, John D, Brendan J Kirby, Robert H Staunton, Joseph H Eto, Chris Marnay, Charles A Goldman, and Carlos A Martinez."Load As a Reliability Resource in Restructured Electricity Markets."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2001) 77.
Eto, Joseph H, Chris Marnay, Charles A Goldman, John D Kueck, Brendan J Kirby, Jeffery E Dagle, Fernando L Alvarado, Timothy D Mount, Shmuel S Oren, and Carlos A Martinez."An R&D agenda to enhance electricity system reliability by increasing customer participation in emerging competitive markets."IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2001
(2001) 247-251 vol.1. DOI
Zingman, Craig, Robert J Thomas, Ian Hiskens, Kevin Stamber, Thomas J Overbye, Richard Schuler, Philip Overholt, Paula Scalingi, John D Kueck, Paul Carrier, Fernando L Alvarado, Anjan Bose, Vikram S Budhraja, William Buehring, Anthony Como, Chris DeMarco, Joseph H Eto, Regina Griego, and John F Hauer."Report of the U.S. Department of Energy's Power Outage Study Team: Findings and Recommendations to Enhance Reliability from the Summer of 1999."
(2000) 65.
Stamber, Kevin, Paula Scalingi, Craig Zimmerman, Chris DeMarco, Thomas J Overbye, Regina Griego, Ian Hiskens, William Buehring, Fernando L Alvarado, Vikram S Budhraja, Anthony Como, Joseph H Eto, John F Hauer, John D Kueck, Philip Overholt, Richard Schuler, Robert J Thomas, and Anjan Bose."Interim Report of the U.S. Department of Energy's Power Outage Study Team Findings from the Summer of 1999."
Kirby, Brendan J, and John D Kueck."Review of the Structure of Bulk Power Markets."CERTS Grid of the Future Project Team
(1999) 62.