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X Author: Jessica B Gilman
Chan, Arthur W. H, Gabriel Isaacman, Kevin R Wilson, David R Worton, Christopher R Ruehl, Theodora Nah, Drew R Gentner, Timothy R Dallmann, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Robert A Harley, Jessica B Gilman, William C Kuster, Joost A de Gouw, John H Offenberg, Tadeusz E Kleindienst, Ying H Lin, Caitlin L Rubitschun, Jason D Surratt, Patrick L Hayes, Jose L Jimenez, and Allen H Goldstein."Detailed chemical characterization of unresolved complex mixtures in atmospheric organics: Insights into emission sources, atmospheric processing, and secondary organic aerosol formation."Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres
(2013). DOI
Angevine, Wayne M, Jerome Brioude, Stuart A McKeen, John S Holloway, Brian M Lerner, Allen H Goldstein, Abhinav Guha, Arlyn E Andrews, John B Nowak, Stephanie Evan, Marc L Fischer, Jessica B Gilman, and Daniel Bon."Pollutant transport among California regions."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
118.12 (2013) 6750–6763. DOI