Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Henry Willem
Wei, Max, Catherine Foster, Tia Tyler, Julie Kim, Ryan Bodanyi, Kaiyu Sun, Henry Willem, Patricia Kusumah, Lino Sanchez, Sang Hoon Lee, Miguel Heleno, Tianzhen Hong, Daniel Dominguez, and Darren Kumar."An Action Plan for Greater Climate Equity for Disadvantaged Communities in Fresno."
Wei, Max, Kaiyu Sun, Henry Willem, Patricia Kusumah, Lino Sanchez, Sang Hoon Lee, Miguel Heleno, and Tianzhen Hong."Final Project Report: Building Healthier and More Energy-Efficient Communities in Fresno and the Central Valley."
Siap, David, Henry Willem, Sarah K Price, Hung-Chia Yang, and Alexander B Lekov."Survey of Hearth Products in U.S. Homes."
Willem, Henry, Sarah K Price, Hannah Stratton, Maithili Iyer, Bereket Beraki, Stacy Pratt, and Dana Hansen."Understanding Cooking Behavior in U.S. Households."
Desroches, Louis-Benoit, Heidi Fuchs, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, Erin S Claybaugh, Bereket Beraki, Mythri Nagaraju, Sarah K Price, and Scott J Young."Computer usage and national energy consumption: Results from a field-metering study."
Burke, Thomas A, Henry Willem, Chun Chun Ni, Hannah Stratton, Yuting Chen, Mohan Ganeshalingam, Maithili Iyer, Sarah K Price, and Camilla Dunham."Using Field-Metered Data to Quantify Annual Energy Use of Portable Air Conditioners."
Desroches, Louis-Benoit, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, Erin S Claybaugh, Bereket Beraki, Mythri Nagaraju, Sarah K Price, Scott J Young, Sally M Donovan, and Mohan Ganeshalingam."Video game console usage and US national energy consumption: Results from a field-metering study."Energy Efficiency
(2014). DOI
Yang, Hung-Chia, Chun Chun Ni, Stacy Pratt, Sarah K Price, Hannah Stratton, Henry Willem, and Camilla Dunham."Dehumidifier Use in the U.S. Residential Sector: Results from an Amazon Mechanical Turk Survey."
Hult, Erin L, Henry Willem, Phillip N Price, Toshifumi Hotchi, Marion L Russell, and Brett C Singer."Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde exposure mitigation in US residences: In-home measurements of ventilation control and source control."
Hult, Erin L, Henry Willem, and Max H Sherman."Formaldehyde Transfer in Residential Energy Recovery Ventilators."Building and Environment
Willem, Henry, Camilla Dunham, Chun Chun Ni, Venessa Tavares, Thomas A Burke, Moya Melody, and Sarah K Price."Field-Monitoring of Whole-Home Dehumidifiers: Initial Results of a Pilot Study."
Willem, Henry, Thomas A Burke, Camilla Dunham, Bereket Beraki, James D Lutz, Moya Melody, Mythri Nagaraju, Chun Chun Ni, Stacy Pratt, Sarah K Price, and Venessa Tavares."Using Field-Metered Data to Quantify Annual Energy Use of Residential Portable Unit Dehumidifiers."
Kantner, Colleen, Scott J Young, Sally M Donovan, Karina Garbesi, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, Bereket Beraki, and Sarah K Price."Ceiling Fan and Ceiling Fan Light Kit use in the U.S.—Results of a Survey on Amazon Mechanical Turk."
Desroches, Louis-Benoit, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, Erin S Claybaugh, Bereket Beraki, Mythri Nagaraju, Sarah K Price, Scott J Young, and Sally M Donovan."Video game console usage and national energy consumption: Results from a field-metering study."
Greenblatt, Jeffery B, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, Erin S Claybaugh, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Bereket Beraki, Mythri Nagaraju, Sarah K Price, and Scott J Young."Field data collection of miscellaneous electrical loads in Northern California: Initial results, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory."
Greenblatt, Jeffery B, Hung-Chia Yang, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Scott J Young, Bereket Beraki, Sarah K Price, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, and Sally M Donovan."U.S. residential consumer product information: Validation of methods for post-stratification weighting of Amazon Mechanical Turk surveys."
Greenblatt, Jeffery B, Scott J Young, Hung-Chia Yang, T Long, Bereket Beraki, Sarah K Price, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, Louis-Benoit Desroches, and Sally M Donovan."U.S. Residential Miscellaneous Refrigeration Products: Results from Amazon Mechanical Turk Surveys."
Willem, Henry, Erin L Hult, Toshifumi Hotchi, Marion L Russell, Randy L Maddalena, and Brett C Singer."Ventilation Control of Volatile Organic Compounds in New U.S. Homes: Results of a Controlled Field Study in Nine Residential Units."
Williams, Alison A, Hung-Chia Yang, Bereket Beraki, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Scott J Young, Chun Chun Ni, Henry Willem, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Camilla Dunham, and Sally M Donovan."Surveys of Microwave Ovens in U.S. Homes."
Offermann, Francis J, Randy L Maddalena, Francis J Offermann, Brett C Singer, and Henry Willem."The impact of ventilation rate on the emission rates of volatile organic compounds in residences."Healthy Buildings 2012 - 10th International Conference