Publications by Research Area
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X Author: Gabrielle Wong-Parodi
Wells, Emily McAuliffe, Mitchell J Small, C Anna Spurlock, and Gabrielle Wong-Parodi."Factors associated with emerging multimodal transportation behavior in the San Francisco Bay Area."Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
1 (2021).
Spurlock, C Anna, Annika Todd-Blick, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, and Victor Walker."Children, Income, and the Impact of Home- Delivery on Household Shopping Trips."Transportation Research Record
(2020). DOI
Hanus, Nichole L, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, Parth T Vaishnav, Naïm R Darghouth, and Inês Lima Azevedo."Solar PV as a mitigation strategy for the US education sector."Environmental Research Letters
14.4 (2019).
Spurlock, C Anna, James Sears, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, Victor Walker, Ling Jin, Margaret Taylor, Andrew Duvall, Anand R Gopal, and Annika Todd-Blick."Describing the users: Understanding adoption of and interest in shared, electrified, and automated transportation in the San Francisco Bay Area."Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
71 (2019) 283-301. DOI
Lekov, Alexander B, Victor H Franco, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, James E McMahon, and Peter T Chan."Economics of Residential Gas Furnaces and Water Heaters in United States New Construction Market."
Lutz, James D, Victor H Franco, Alexander B Lekov, and Gabrielle Wong-Parodi."BPM Motors in Residential Gas Furnaces: What are the Savings?."2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
1 (2006) 12.
Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle, Larry L Dale, and Alexander B Lekov."Comparing price forecast accuracy of natural gas models and futures markets."Energy policy
34 (2006) 4115–4122.
Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle, Larry L Dale, and Alexander B Lekov."Comparing Price Forecast Accuracy of Natural Gas Models and Futures Markets."
Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle, Alexander B Lekov, and Larry L Dale."Natural Gas Prices Forecast Comparison — AEO vs. Natural Gas Markets."
(2005) 16.