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X Author: Elad Pollak
Lux, Simon F, Elad Pollak, Ulrike Boesenberg, Thomas J Richardson, and Robert Kostecki."Electrochemical reactivity of pyrolytic carbon film electrodes in organic carbonate electrolytes."Electrochemistry Communications
(2014). DOI
Zhang, Liang, Elad Pollak, Wei-Cheng Wang, Peng Jiang, Per-Anders Glans, Yuegang Zhang, Jordi Cabana, Robert Kostecki, Chinglin Chang, Miquel Salmeron, Junfa Zhu, and Jinghua Guo."Electronic structure study of ordering and interfacial interaction in graphene/Cu composites."Carbon
50.14 (2012) 5316-5322. DOI
Lux, Simon F, Ivan T Lucas, Elad Pollak, Stefano Passerini, Martin Winter, and Robert Kostecki."The mechanism of HF formation in LiPF6 based organic carbonate electrolytes."Electrochemistry Communications
14.1 (2012) 47-50. DOI
Jeon, Ki-Joon, Zonghoon Lee, Elad Pollak, Luca Moreschini, Aaron Bostwick, Cheol-Min Park, Rueben J Mendelsberg, Velimir Radmilovic, Robert Kostecki, Thomas J Richardson, and Eli Rotenberg."Fluorographene: a wide bandgap semiconductor with ultraviolet luminescence."ACS Nano
5.2 (2011) 1042-1046. DOI
Pollak, Elad, Baisong Geng, Ki-Joon Jeon, Ivan T Lucas, Thomas J Richardson, Feng Wang, and Robert Kostecki."The interaction of Li+ with single-layer and few-layer graphene."Nano letters
10.9 (2010) 3386-3388. DOI
Pollak, Elad, Ivan T Lucas, and Robert Kostecki."A study of lithium transport in aluminum membranes."Electrochemistry Communications
12.2 (2010) 198-201. DOI
Lucas, Ivan T, Elad Pollak, and Robert Kostecki."In situ AFM studies of SEI formation at a Sn electrode."Electrochemistry Communications
11.11 (2009) 2157-2160. DOI