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X Author: Edward V Thomas
Thomas, Edward V, Ira Bloom, Jon P Christophersen, David C Robertson, Lee K Walker, Chinh D Ho, and Vincent S Battaglia."Modeling memoryless degradation under variable stress."Journal of Quality Technology
51.3 (2019) 284 - 299. DOI
Thomas, Edward V, Ira Bloom, Jon P Christophersen, and Vincent S Battaglia."Rate-based degradation modeling of lithium-ion cells."Journal of Power Sources
206 (2012) 378-382. DOI
Thomas, Edward V, Ira Bloom, Jon P Christophersen, and Vincent S Battaglia."Statistical methodology for predicting the life of lithium-ion cells via accelerated degradation testing."Journal of Power Sources
184.1 (2008) 312-317. DOI