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X Author: Daniel L Gerber
Vossos, Vagelis, Daniel L Gerber, Melanie Gaillet-Tournier, Bruce Nordman, Richard E Brown, Willy Bernal Heredia, Omkar Ghatpande, Avijit Saha, Gabe Arnold, and Stephen M Frank."Adoption Pathways for DC Power Distribution in Buildings."MDPI
(2022). DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Fariborz Musavi, Omkar Ghatpande, Stephen M Frank, Jason Poon, Richard E Brown, and Wei Feng."A Comprehensive Loss Model and Comparison of AC and DC Boost Converters."Energies
14.11 (2021) 3131. DOI
Vossos, Vagelis, Melanie Gaillet-Tournier, Daniel L Gerber, Bruce Nordman, Richard E Brown, Willy Bernal, Omkar Ghatpande, Avijit Saha, Michael Deru, and Stephen Frank."Direct-DC Power in Buildings: Identifying the Best Applications Today for Tomorrow’s Building Sector."2020 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Santos, Arthur F.B, James Cale, Anushree Singh, Daniel L Gerber, Stephen Frank, Gerald P Duggan, Daniel Zimmerle, and Richard E Brown."Comparison of Load Models for Estimating Electrical Efficiency in DC Microgrids."2019 IEEE Third International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM)
(2019). DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Richard Liou, and Richard E Brown."Energy-saving opportunities of direct-DC loads in buildings."Applied Energy
248 (2019) 274 - 287. DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Alan K Meier, Richard Liou, and Robert Hosbach."Emerging Zero-Standby Solutions for Miscellaneous Electric Loads and the Internet of Things."Electronics
8.5 (2019). DOI
Vossos, Vagelis, Karl Johnson, Margarita Kloss, Ruby Heard, Daniel L Gerber, Bruce Nordman, Eric Mannarino, Mukesh Khuttar, and Richard E Brown."Direct Current as an Integrating and Enabling Platform for Zero-Net Energy Buildings."
Meier, Alan K, Richard E Brown, Daniel L Gerber, Aditya Khandekar, Margarita Kloss, Hidemitsu Koyanagi, Richard Liou, Leo I Rainer, and Seth Sanders."Efficient and Zero Net Energy-Ready Plug Loads."
Gerber, Daniel L, Vagelis Vossos, Richard E Brown, Wei Feng, and Chris Marnay."Energy and Cost Benefits of DC Power in ZNE Buildings."American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) 2018 Summer Study, Pacific Grove, CA
Vossos, Vagelis, Daniel L Gerber, Youness Bennani Smires, Richard E Brown, and Chris Marnay."Techno-economic analysis of DC power distribution in commercial buildings."Applied Energy
230 (2018) 663 - 678. DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Alan K Meier, Robert Hosbach, and Richard Liou."Zero Standby Solutions with Optical Energy Harvesting from a Laser Pointer."Electronics
7.11 (2018). DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Vagelis Vossos, Wei Feng, Chris Marnay, Bruce Nordman, and Richard E Brown."A simulation-based efficiency comparison of AC and DC power distribution networks in commercial buildings."Applied Energy
210 (2018) 1167-1187. DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Alan K Meier, Robert Hosbach, and Richard Liou."Emerging Solutions to the Standby Power Problem."ACEEE 2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Gerber, Daniel L, Vagelis Vossos, Wei Feng, Aditya Khandekar, Chris Marnay, and Bruce Nordman."A simulation-based efficiency comparison of AC and DC power distribution networks in commercial buildings."Second International Conference on DC Microgrids