Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Camilla Dunham
Chen, Yuting, Heidi Fuchs, Hung-Chia Yang, Hannah Stratton, and Camilla Dunham."Assessment of Two Water and Wastewater Price Sources and Their Applicability in Determining Trends for Planning and Conservation."
Sun, Qingyi, Jing Ke, Camilla Dunham, Joong Hoon Sim, and Yuting Chen."Using Field-Metered Data to Characterize Consumer Usage Patterns of Residential Dishwashers."
Chen, Yuting, Heidi Fuchs, Jonah Schein, Victor H Franco, Hannah Stratton, Thomas A Burke, and Camilla Dunham."Water heating energy use reductions from EPA WaterSense lavatory plumbing fittings."Resources, Conservation and Recycling,
Volume 174, 2021, 105781, ISSN 0921-3449. (2021). DOI
Stratton, Hannah, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, Thomas A Burke, Hung-Chia Yang, and Mohan Ganeshalingam."Dishwashers in the Residential Sector: A Survey of Product Characteristics, Usage, and Consumer Preferences."
Chen, Yuting, Heidi Fuchs, Jonah Schein, Victor H Franco, Hannah Stratton, and Camilla Dunham."Calculating average hot water mixes of residential plumbing fixtures."
Schein, Jonah, Peter T Chan, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, Heidi Fuchs, Virginie E Letschert, Michael A McNeil, Moya Melody, Sarah K Price, Hannah Stratton, and Alison A Williams."Methodology for the national water savings models– indoor residential and commercial/institutional products, and outdoor residential products."Water Supply
(2018). DOI
Dunham, Camilla, Heidi Fuchs, and Hannah Stratton."Benefits of a National Survey on Water Demand: Existing Data and Reporting Recommendations."
Stratton, Hannah, Heidi Fuchs, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, Chun Chun Ni, and Alison A Williams."Keeping Pace with Water and Wastewater Rates."American Water Works Association
Schein, Jonah, Peter T Chan, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, Heidi Fuchs, Virginie E Letschert, Michael A McNeil, Moya Melody, Sarah K Price, Hannah Stratton, and Alison A Williams."Methodology for the National Water Savings and Spreadsheet: Indoor Residential and Commercial/Institutional Products, and Outdoor Residential Products."The International Water Association Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Water
Williams, Alison A, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, Heidi Fuchs, Sarah K Price, and Hannah Stratton."Methodology for Outdoor Water Savings Model and Spreadsheet Tool for U.S. and Selected States."
Stratton, Hannah, Heidi Fuchs, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, and Alison A Williams."Water and Wastewater Rate Hikes Outspace CPI."
Williams, Alison A, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, Heidi Fuchs, and Hannah Stratton."Methodology For National Water Savings Model and Spreadsheet Tool - Outdoor Water Use."
Burke, Thomas A, Henry Willem, Chun Chun Ni, Hannah Stratton, Yuting Chen, Mohan Ganeshalingam, Maithili Iyer, Sarah K Price, and Camilla Dunham."Using Field-Metered Data to Quantify Annual Energy Use of Portable Air Conditioners."
Yang, Hung-Chia, Chun Chun Ni, Stacy Pratt, Sarah K Price, Hannah Stratton, Henry Willem, and Camilla Dunham."Dehumidifier Use in the U.S. Residential Sector: Results from an Amazon Mechanical Turk Survey."
Melody, Moya, Hannah Stratton, Alison A Williams, and Camilla Dunham."Resources for National Water Savings for Outdoor Water Use."
Melody, Moya, Hannah Stratton, Alison A Williams, and Camilla Dunham."Resources for Outdoor Water Use Determination."
Williams, Alison A, Heidi Fuchs, and Camilla Dunham."Estimates of Savings Achievable from Irrigation Controller."
Willem, Henry, Camilla Dunham, Chun Chun Ni, Venessa Tavares, Thomas A Burke, Moya Melody, and Sarah K Price."Field-Monitoring of Whole-Home Dehumidifiers: Initial Results of a Pilot Study."
Willem, Henry, Thomas A Burke, Camilla Dunham, Bereket Beraki, James D Lutz, Moya Melody, Mythri Nagaraju, Chun Chun Ni, Stacy Pratt, Sarah K Price, and Venessa Tavares."Using Field-Metered Data to Quantify Annual Energy Use of Residential Portable Unit Dehumidifiers."
Williams, Alison A, Hung-Chia Yang, Bereket Beraki, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Scott J Young, Chun Chun Ni, Henry Willem, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Camilla Dunham, and Sally M Donovan."Surveys of Microwave Ovens in U.S. Homes."
Williams, Alison A, Camilla Dunham, and James D Lutz."A Systems Framework for Assessing Plumbing Products-Related Water Conservation."
McNeil, Michael A, Camilla Dunham, Virginie E Letschert, and Mirka della Cava."WaterSense Program: Methodology for National Water Savings Analysis Model Indoor Residential Water Use."
Beard, Daniel P, Grant Scherling, Perry Plumart, Barbara A Atkinson, Peter J Biermayer, Richard E Brown, Richard C Diamond, Camilla Dunham, Ryan M Firestone, Steve E Greenberg, Don Medley, Anthony Ma, Alan K Meier, Evan Mills, Bruce Nordman, Christopher T Payne, Mary Ann Piette, Francis M Rubinstein, Stephen E Selkowitz, Craig P Wray, Peng Xu, Mike Azarcon, Jim Calendar, Tom Costello, Eric Goodman, Greg Green, Charles Iliff, Brian Klein, Mike Laser, William Miller, Dan Murphy, Theon Parker, Dave Pilkins, Chris Potter, Louis Scalfari, Toby Virts, John Williams, Rick Wilmoth, and Beverly Wood."Green the Capitol Initiative, Final Report."
Dunham, Camilla, Victor H Franco, Alexander B Lekov, and James D Lutz."Development of the Household Sample for Furnace and Boiler Life-Cycle Cost Analysis."
(2005) 22.